Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Library books!!

We are still missing many library books from room 15 and 16 students. If your child still had books out, they would have received a list of books that they need to return. All books were due back on Monday.

Please return all library books by tomorrow.


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Talent Show and Library Books

Hello Parents,

Part 2 of the Talent Show will be at 11am Monday

Library Books- this past week was our last week for library book exchange. Please have all library books returned to the school Monday June 17. Thank you!

We are encouraging students to bring a reusable grocery type bag to have for next week when we send their books and work home. Feel free to send one in anytime this week and they can store it on their coat hooks.

Monday, June 10, 2019

A busy week of art!

This week we have a couple of different art projects on the go. Today students started using paper mache to create a giant insect. This project will be continuing on Wednesday and Friday. Tomorrow we will be completing a secret project that involves paint! We are asking that students come to school in clothes that are ok to get messy for the rest of the week. 

Reminder: Talent Show Part 1 - Tuesday, June 11th @ 2:30

Monday, June 3, 2019

Butterfly Wings and Wishes

Today we had a guest from Butterfly Wings and Wishes. We learned about the adaptations, habitats and characteristics of different bugs and insects. Students saw a scorpion, pill bug, praying mantis, millipede, vinegaroon and tarantula. Ask your child about some of the facts they learned.

We also had a guest explain some of the programs taking place at the public library over the summer. Your child will be bringing home some information about how to sign up for their reading program.

Room 15 and 16 are in need of newspaper for an upcoming art project. If you have newspapers or flyers, please send them with your child.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Talent Show

Talent Show: 
Maple Ridge will be having a Talent show this year for Grades 1-4. There will be 2 shows; June 11 @ 2:30pm and June 17 @ 11:00 am. Auditions for Grade 1 students will be held during music class. If your child takes music/dance lessons or has a planned routine and would like to perform for the whole school they are asked to audition in front of their peers beginning this week. The last day for auditions will be Wednesday, June 5. Each student will be given 90 seconds for their performance. Song choice must be appropriate (no bad language or negative messages)

If you have any questions please email

Today students learned about the external body parts of a caterpillar by creating a labelled diagram. They observed their caterpillar to see if they could identify parts including the thorax, abdomen, head, mandible and spiracles. We put moved our caterpillars from their cups to the netting habitat as they are close to making their chrysalis'.

Please remember to send a water bottle, hat and sunscreen for your child to access throughout the day as we are spending more time outside for phys. ed and science activities.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Caterpillars, coding and our final field trip

We have been VERY busy lately in room 15/16!

Last week we had some special visitors arrive in our classroom! We have 20 painted lady caterpillars that we will be observing and taking care of for the next few weeks. When they first arrived they were very tiny. We have been documenting their growth and were shocked to arrive back at school this afternoon to see how much they have changed! They sure were busy eating over the weekend. We have lots of questions about how caterpillars turn into butterflies!

We have also been learning about coding. Students are working on iPads with a partner and have been working their way through the lessons on This is a website that you could check out with your student at home as well! It takes them through various coding activities and lessons. 

Today we enjoyed a day of learning downtown, exploring Prince's Island Park and the Bow River Pathway. We rotated through three centers in the morning and then had lunch in the park. With Mrs. McCaw we had the chance to use iPads to create a PicCollage showing signs of animals. We saw a lot of geese and goslings. Did you know a group of geese is called a gaggle? With Mrs. Pittman we practiced sketching plants and used watercolor pencil crayons. With Ms. Fraser we walked down to the Peace Bridge and looked for 2D shapes and 3D objects and had the chance to explore the area around the bridge. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Downtown Field Trip Reminder

Tomorrow the Grade 1 students will be heading downtown for our final field study of the year. We will be leaving Maple Ridge by 9:30am and returning by 1:30pm. We will complete other activities once we return to the school. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful! It is supposed to be warm and sunny. Please make sure that your child is wearing sunscreen and a hat, as we will be outside the entire time. You child should also wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle, snack and healthy lunch! We are looking forward to exploring downtown together!