Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Are bubbles always round?

The students in Room 15/16 had a very busy day today!
Our day started out with a surprise! Mrs. Pittman was on a walk last night and found some beautiful leaves. They were all different shapes, sizes and colors. Students spent time observing the leaves, and then drew detailed sketches. We have been focusing on how scientists use their senses to make observations. If you happen to have leaves in your yard that we could add to our collection, feel free to send them in with your child. You could even go on a leaf hunt, and see how many different colors you can find!
We have also been spending time learning more about bubbles this week. After looking at pictures of bubbles, and creating bubble paint art yesterday, students were asked the question, "are bubbles always round?" This afternoon students created bubbles wands, using many different shapes. Tomorrow they will test their predictions about whether bubbles are always round, or whether they will take the shape of the bubble wand. What do you think? Are bubbles always round? Or can they be different shapes?
Next week we are going to begin some building work in the classroom. Students are welcome to bring in a small grocery bag of materials, including cardboard boxes, paper towel rolls, yarn/string and yogurt containers to share with the class. Please feel free to send us an email if you have any questions about this.
Here are some pictures from our day:


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